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TEXT: 613.604.7455

5510 Manotick Main St.
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About Evergreen

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Sedation can be especially beneficial for patients who experience dental anxiety or fear, require extensive dental work, have a powerful gag reflex, or wish to get through challenging treatment more easily. Sedation can be administered in different forms and at varying levels, depending on the patient's needs and the type of procedure.

We offer IV Moderate Conscious Sedation, Oral Sedation, or Nitrous Oxide.

IV Sedation involves administering a sedative through an IV. Your doctor provides the dental treatment while you are comfortably sedated and monitored by another doctor associated with our practice - Dr. Sacha Singh.

This sedation helps you feel calm, drowsy, and relaxed throughout the treatment and works quickly. You may still be conscious and able to respond to verbal commands.

You may not remember anything from the procedure afterwards and need someone to drive you to and from the appointment.

Our doctor's have been providing treatment under IV sedation on adults for many years with Dr. Singh and have found it to be an effective way to comfortably proceed through treatment - including wisdom teeth or dental extractions, implants, fillings, crowns, or others.

Nitrous Oxide ("laughing gas") can help patients feel relaxed and comfortable throughout dental treatment. It is considered a mild sedative and does not remain in your system after the treatment so you can drive or go back to work afterwards. It is easily adjusted throughout treatment to your comfort, safe, wears off easily, and can enhance the effects of local anesthetics.

It works well for children and adults. Our doctors are able to provide the sedation during treatment.

Oral Sedation involves taking a medication prescribed by your dentist or physician 1 hour before the dental treatment or, in some cases, the evening beforehand. It is convenient and allows for a more pleasant and stress-free experience. Patients are not able to drive while sedated with or oral sedative.    

Schedule a consultation or contact us to learn more!

Our doctors are happy to give you a tour of our space or meet with you prior to your appointment if you would feel more comfortable. 

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Instructions for IV