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TEXT: 613.604.7455

5510 Manotick Main St.

About Evergreen

Infant Tie Releases

What are Tongue Ties?

The tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth by a band of tissue called the frenulum. Everyone has a frenulum, you can see yours when you lift your tongue up towards the roof of your mouth. Sometimes, this band of tissue is too tight or short, restricting the tongue's range of motion. A restricted frenulum is referred to as a Tongue Tie, or Ankyloglossia.

When someone is tongue tied, their tongue is held down to the floor of their mouth. This makes it impossible to achieve the proper correct tongue resting posture, in the roof of the mouth. This can affect people of all ages.

We are now seeing patients for assessments and providing tongue (or lip) tie releases!

Benefits of this procedure?

  • Improved breastfeeding
  • Can resolve speech issues
  • Better growth and development of the palate and facial bones
  • Can help with chewing difficulties and poor swallowing patterns
  • Less likely to grow into airway-related issues as adults, such as sleep apnea
  • Reduced neck and shoulder tension
  • Possibly preventing some chronic headaches and muscle tension

Michelle Barone


Michelle specializes in treating patients with tethered oral tissues (tongue/lip/cheek ties). She performs comprehensive health assessments, including infant feeding assessments, and performs a procedure to release tethered oral tissues using a specialized carbon dioxide (CO2) laser.

Michelle has developed a deep understanding of tongue function and its impact on the development of our mouth, facial structure, and upper airway. Michelle has taken a special interest in studying the systemic health consequences of oral restrictions, oral dysfunction, and underdeveloped jaws, which contribute to common medical conditions like, jaw joint (TMJ) dysfunction, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS), Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and Attention-Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Notable Continuing Education and Memberships

Courses at the Breathe Institute in California taught by leading medical and dental experts in tongue ties and airway health and Dr. Pinto, a pediatric tongue tie specialist.  

Attends international health conferences and study groups on the topics of lip/tongue ties, infant feeding, sleep-breathing disorders, oral motor function, early childhood orthodontics, and myofunctional therapy.

Master of Science in Nursing (MScN) and a Nurse Practitioner Diploma in Primary Health Care (NP-PHC) from the University of Ottawa in 2015.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree from Laurentian University in 2009.

Experience as a Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit at the Ottawa Heart Institute

Active member of the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO), the Nurse Practitioner Association of Ontario (NPAO), and the International Consortium of Ankyloglossia Professionals (ICAP).

As an invited lecturer, she is committed to educating other healthcare professionals about oral restrictions and the connection to our airway, breathing, and overall health.

Here’s how it works.


We are proud to have invested in a specialized laser for the procedure that produces less discomfort and makes the procedure extremely quick and efficient. It also keeps swelling to a minimum while reduces the risk of infection.

The biggest benefit of this particular laser is the reduced scar tissue. This means less re-attachment after healing and a better long-term outcome.


If possible, Michelle prefers to see the baby feeding (breast or bottle) during the appointment time.

We have comfortable private rooms and change tables available for you.  

Your Appointment Time

Managing a schedule with infants can be challenging. We will try our best to see you at your scheduled appointment but appointment times may vary slightly. Thank you for your patience.  

Post-Procedure Comfort

We recommend bringing a bottle of either infant Tylenol (if <6 months of age) or infant Advil (if >6 months of age) to be given after the procedure is completed.


Assessment and treatment (including all tethered oral tissues): $850

Assessment only: $210

Treatment only (if completed at a separate appointment within 3 months of the assessment): $640

Follow-up: included in treatment fee ($0)*Fees subject to change.


We typically schedule 1-week follow-ups after the procedure is completed.


See Below for some forms/further information.

Intake Forms

Records Release Form

Diagnose Breastfeeding Dysfunction

Healthcare Professionals

When to refer?

1 Feeding Issues

For breast or bottle-fed infants:

Shallow latch
Sliding or popping on/off nipple
Weak suck
Cicking/smacking sounds
Gumming or chewing on nipple
Milk leaking out sides of mouth
Falling asleep during feeds
Upper lip curling under during feeds
Feeding non-stop or prolongued feeds
Appearing frustrated during feeds
Gagging/choking/coughing during feeds

2 Infant's Symptoms

For breast or bottle-fed infants:

Reflux/GERD/++ Spitting up
Slow weight gain
Open-mouth posture
Snoring or noisy breathing
White milk coating on tongue +/- oral thrush
Restless sleep
Unable to retain a pacifier in the mouth


3 Mom's Symptoms

If breastfeeding:

Nipple pain with nursing
Nipple distortion or damage after feeding (lipstick-shaped, cracked, bruised, bleeding)
Incomplete drainage after feeds
Plugged ducts
Low milk supply

Informative Quote or links here to important docs

Quote or thought here

~ Dr. Jason Sidon & Dr. Meredith Evans

It's our passion to help your family thrive. We truly care at Evergreen.

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