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TEXT: 613.604.7455

5510 Manotick Main St.

About Evergreen

Dental Emergencies

What are Dental Emergencies?

Treating your dental emergencies quickly is important to us. We reserve time for emergencies daily to ensure you can be seen very quickly and your urgent needs are addressed without delay. Please contact us as soon as possible for prompt treatment.

Dental emergencies include anything that is causing pain, discomfort, or is urgently in need of treatment.   

Some Common Dental Emergencies Include

  • Broken, cracked, or chipped teeth
  • Dislodged fillings
  • Toothaches
  • Swelling or bleeding in or around the mouth
  • Abscesses, infection, or pain
  • Trauma or injuries sustained from accidents
  • Pain with eating, biting, speaking
  • Bleeding or complications related to recent dental treatment

Caring for Common Emergencies

1 Adult Tooth Knocked Out

Handle it by the crown (not the root)
Rinse gently with water (don't scrub/clean with any solutions)
Try to visit the dentist as soon as possible (every minute counts)
You can store the tooth in your cheek or position the tooth back in the socket (careful not to swallow or choke on it). Or, you can store it in milk temporarily.


2 How to relieve pain or swelling?

If safe for you to take, Ibuprofen (Advil) can help reduce pain and inflammation. Keep within the recommended doses.

Topical anesthetics, such as orajel, can help when locally applied if there is trauma to the soft tissues.

Cold compresses for 15-20 minutes on and off can help with comfort and to reduce inflammation.


3 Tips for Prevention

We routinely fabricate quality Sportsguards that fit comfortably and can significantly prevent damage in the event of trauma.

Don't chew on ice! It's bad for your teeth.

Be mindful of clenching/grinding throughout the day. If you or your spouse notices significant grinding, you may wish to have a nightguard fabricated.





Informative Quote or links here to important docs

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~ Dr. Jason Sidon & Dr. Meredith Evans

You don't need to suffer.

We're here to help.

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