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About Evergreen

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Crowns, Bridges, Inlays, and Onlays

We believe that dental work should last.

These are very common procedures that can protect your teeth for years and restore them to optimal form, function and appearance.


Dental Crowns are caps that cover a damaged tooth to restore its shape, strength, and appearance.

To create a dental crown, the dentist first prepares the tooth by carefully removing a portion of its outer layer to accommodate the crown.

A digital impression or scan of the tooth is then taken to design the custom crown, which can be crafted from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal, and is cemented onto the tooth once it is ready.

Typically, the process requires two dental appointments for completion.

Dental crowns may be necessary when a tooth is significantly damaged or decayed and needs restoration for optimal strength and functionality. They can also be used to protect a weakened tooth from fracture, cover a tooth with a large filling or a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy, restore a dental implant, or enhance the appearance of a discolored or irregularly shaped tooth.

Dental Bridges replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring a false tooth (or teeth) to the natural teeth or dental implants adjacent to the gap.

The bridge consists of one or more prosthetic teeth that are supported by crowns on either side of the gap, providing a natural-looking and functional solution for missing teeth.

To create a dental bridge, the dentist first prepares the appropriate teeth. A digital impression or scan of the teeth is then taken to design the custom crown, which can be crafted from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or metal, and is cemented onto the tooth once it is ready.

Typically, the process requires two dental appointments for completion.

Someone may need a dental bridge when they are missing one or more teeth, which can affect their ability to chew properly, speak clearly, or maintain the proper alignment of surrounding teeth. A dental bridge can help restore a person's smile, improve their oral function, and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting out of place due to the gap left by missing teeth.

Dental Inlays and Onlays are custom-fabricated dental restorations that fit into a cavity within a tooth (inlays) or cover one or more cusps of a tooth (onlays) to restore it to it's proper shape, esthetics, and function.

The dentist first prepares the appropriate teeth and takes a digital impression. The onlay/inlay is custom-designed and requires two dental appointments to complete.

Dental inlays and onlays offer several benefits for restoring damaged teeth:

Preservation of Tooth Structure: Less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to traditional fillings or crowns

Durability: Made from strong materials like porcelain or composite resin, they provide long-lasting durability and resistance to wear and tear.

Esthetics: These restorations can be matched to the natural colour of the tooth, providing an attractive and seamless appearance.

Precise Fit: Inlays and onlays are custom-made to fit the cavity or damaged area precisely, ensuring a snug and secure fit.

Improved Function: By restoring the tooth's natural shape and function, they help maintain proper chewing and speaking abilities.

Reduced Risk of Decay: The tight fit minimizes the risk of decay by sealing the affected area and preventing bacteria from entering.

Less Sensitivity: Because they cover and protect the damaged area, they can reduce sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages.